Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Axonometric Projection

This interesting art work is made by Theo van Doesburg in 1923. This is what most people would say a axonometric projection. This is titled as Maison Particuliere: Axonometric Drawing. This is a technique for dissipating space, often employed by architects in which all lines are parallel rather than receding to a common vanishing point. This is a perfect example of parellel lines while also having vanishing points depending on which angle you choose to view this in.

Two-Point Linear Perspective

The creator of this piece of art is named Gustave Caillebotte in the year 1875. This illustrated two-point linear perspective a version of linear perspective in which there are two or more vanishing points in the composition. As the arrows can tell you there are people in the art work. And the farther away they are the smaller they are, which happens as the vanishing point starts to get reached. Up until they aren't seen anymore.


The artist that created this piece is called Jaune quick-to-see Smith and is called the The Red Mean: Self Portrait. It was made in 1992. This is to be considered an outline type of art. Outline the edge of a shape or figure depicted by an actual line drawn or painted in the surface. By that definition the art work is just that a red figure, an X circled over the rest of the art. And your eyes seem to gravitate to that image maybe how the artist wanted by choosing the red color and creating a lighter, less noticeable background.

Implied Line

This depiction of implied line is by Cheri Samba and is called Les Années 90 (The Nineties). It was created in 1991, Implied Line is a line in an artwork that is not physically there but is suggested by points in the artwork. In this artists work you could the the two men are on the earth each on their respective countries. There is no separation or distinction between the earth or sky but it is suggested that there is going to be based on the its realistic feel to it and how the natural world is.

Expressive Line

This piece of art is made by Vincent Van Gogh. And is called Women Picking Olives. Expressive Line is A kind of line that seems to spring directly from the artist's emotions or feelings--loose, gestural, and energetic, eptomized by curvilinearforms. I think this art work clearly meets this definition being that the lines and objects are not just normal they have a sort of curve to them. Giving life and emotion to an other wise plan or boring picture.

Contour Lines

Contour Lines are the outline of a subject and not the volume or mass of an a object. I chose to use one of the works by Henri Gaudier Brzeska for an example of this. This is called Abstract Cock, And made in 1914. This art portrays a cock, it is made by all lines as seen in the art work. The flat shape of the two-dimensional cock is conveyed through out the outline of the work made by Henri Graudier Brzeska.